How can I stay fit without going to a gym? - letsdiskuss
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Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on | Health-beauty

How can I stay fit without going to a gym?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

I am also part of anti gym community. Infact I did join a few times but it didn’t work out well and I ended up wasting fee. However I do believe that I am fit. The following are activities/ diet pattern which I genuinely follow -

1. Never overeat

2. Avoid sugar and fried

3. Enjoy green tea

4. Walk and take up stairs . Walk to the markets, to your office, take stairs whenever you can.

5. Do basic exercises at home like breathing, yoga asana

6. Play outdoors

7. Jog whenever you can

8. Dance

9. Don’t sit at one place for more than an hour

10. Do your household chores by yourself.

If you are able to do these, I think you will remain fit.

All the best.

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