How can something as trivial as Momo Challenge make a teenager commit suicide? - letsdiskuss
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Aditya Singla

Marketing Manager (Nestle) | Posted on | others

How can something as trivial as Momo Challenge make a teenager commit suicide?


Thinker | Posted on

I must call you a person possessing very high degrees of maturity indeed that you call challenges like Momo challenge trivial, for there are a lot out there who are falling for such challenges and are even paying with their lives.

After Blue Whale Challenge and Kiki Challenge, Momo challenge is in trend which operates through the chat-messenger giant, Whatsapp. It’s been able to make a teenager from Argentina commit suicide because it threatens people with their personal information.

People can initiate the challenge only by connecting to Momo through whatsapp. The exact process of the challenge is still unclear but it has something to do the personal information of the user which is leaked if they don’t comply with the challenge.

The conditions of the challenge come with the picture of a sculpture whose creator is the Japanese artist Midori Hayashi. It is a piece of horror art which is kept in Vanilla gallery of Japan. So those who are not mature enough get caught in such challenges, as we have already seen in the cases of Blue Whale challenge and Kiki challenge.

Like Kiki challenge, it is being condemned in various countries like Spain and Police all over is advising the public not to take the challenge. It is yet another example of the horrific consequences of social media and internet.

(Courtesy: Back to College)


E-commerce website and Autoparts Finder App | Posted on

The daily social media trends among the young generation of people have caused a lot of harm in certain cases, and the Momo challenge just happens to be one of them, it's unfortunate but all we can do is just help our young generation be more aware, and not try to get caught up in harmful trends.


B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on

It is all because of what researchers and experts call the “moral panic”, which is very easily induced in adolescents through social media (Whatsapp messenger in this case).

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: KVLY)

It all starts with a Whatsapp message and takes the form of a monstrous threat. So the danger is to those who talk to people on the messenger giant without knowing them.


Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on

Momo challenge is something which has turned a piece of Japanese horror art, into something horrific in reality. Seeking users’ personal information and using it against them is how Momo challenge operates. Like the blue whale challenge it is taking lives of people in reality.

You ask how such a trivial challenge can force someone to commit suicide. The simple answer lies in the target users, who are mostly teenagers –who are not vigilant enough when it comes to the usage of social media platforms.


Whatsapp even before has been accused of spreading the false information and risking people’s privacy. Momo challenge is yet another addition to the already existing allegations. The challenge has become a fever like Kiki challenge or PUBG and even the ones who are well-informed and aware, are falling prey to it.

All we can do in this scenario, is to create more and more awareness and strictness with the help of the authorities.