How can we make Potato Pancake easily at home? - letsdiskuss
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Jessy Chandra

Fashion enthusiast | Posted on | Food-Cooking

How can we make Potato Pancake easily at home?


head cook ( seven seas ) | Posted on

Potato can be made into numerous dishes. Potato in fact, is known as the king of the vegetables. Potato pancake is one of the many dishes made out of potato. Let’s see how it is prepared .

Ingredients required:
Raw potatoes; Boiled potatoes; Finely chopped onion; Finely chopped green chilly; Flour (Maida); Baking Powder; Oil; Salt
How to make:
• Peel both raw and boiled potatoes and grind them.
• In a pan, mix potatoes, flour, green chilly, and onion.
• After mixing thoroughly, add some water and make a thick batter.
• Now add salt and baking powder and mix thoroughly.
• Put the batter on a hot pan with a spoon, and pour oil on both sides and bake well.
Serve your Potato Pancakes hot, with sauce.
(Translated from Hindi by Meetali)


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