How can we say that the game of tennis is sexist? - letsdiskuss
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@letsuser | Posted on | Sports

How can we say that the game of tennis is sexist?


Blogger | Posted on

In no way, shape or form. She expedited it herself with offensive conduct and got off greatly softly. She owes a tremendous expression of remorse to the umpire for considering him a liar, her adversary for destroying her most noteworthy minute to date in the game, and the competition all in all.


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

It seems like the double standards and the gender discrimination are still a part of sports federation, even after all the efforts of women athletes and feminists, and the sport of tennis is no exception.

In the US open 2018, French tennis player Alizé Cornet was charged with the violation of rule by Umpire Christian Rask for taking off her jersey publicly to wear it correctly. Now this was against the code of conduct of the game, as the gesture made by the tennis player, or more correctly, the female tennis player, did not suit the virgin eyes present there.
Earlier, Serena Williams was disallowed to wear a catsuit which was designed to keep her blood circulation right while she was pregnant.
Serena Williams
I think these examples are enough to show how sexist the game of tennis, just like all other sports is. Tennis Women Association has a certain set of guidelines for the female tennis players, guiding them on various such things. What’s agitating is the fact there is no such rule for men players, and we often see them taking off their jersey publicly.
Seems like Feminism still has a long way to go, if we talk about its totality in every sphere.