How Can You Get More Followers On Pinterest? - letsdiskuss
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How Can You Get More Followers On Pinterest?


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1. Be active and engage on Pinterest
Pinterest is one smart cookie. It comes down to making friends with the Smart Feed. Outsmart the smart feed, and you’ll have followers flocking to you.

How can you be active and engage on Pinterest?
Manually pinning on a regular basis
Go to the ‘’Explore’’ and ‘’Trending’’ pages and re-pin from there
Pin other people’s pins manually
When you see a ‘’Board to Follow’’ in your feed, follow them if they’re relevant.

2. Follow your competitor’s followers
If you’re sitting around waiting for followers to flock to you, you’ll be waiting a long time.
A powerful tactic to generate followers is strategically following your competitor’s followers.
Since you both have the same target audiences, chances are, if they followed your competitor – they’ll follow you, too.
A quick way to find competitors:
Search for terms that may be on your competitors profiles in the search bar. For example, if your content is about blogging, you might search for ‘’blogging tips’’.
You’ll see four different options – click on ‘’People’’.