How cloud hosting is secured? - letsdiskuss
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Srijana Pandey

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How cloud hosting is secured?


Tech. Analyst at ACE Cloud Hosting | Posted on

Hi Srijana,

I think if the services are taken from the right cloud hosting provider, then it is secure. Cloud providers like Ace Cloud hosting (my personal favorite) secures the data in multiple security safeguards such as OS patching, Intrusion Detection, and Prevention System (IDS/IPS), TLS 1.3 and 256-bit data encryption, along with best practices for ransomware and DDoS protection.

Since the data is secure and protected on the cloud, any threat to the end-point device will not result in data loss. With cloud hosting, you don't need to worry about cyber threats or data breach problems.


best web hosting and server management | Posted on

Cloud hosting is more secure than any other hosting because it can store a data or information in the cloud & protect it against data losses, malicious attacks & all the disaster attacks i.e earthquake, flood, fire, etc. And all the activities in cloud hosting are performed or run by an experience or great technician or engineers. It can help to encrypt the data that no one can access it. And there are many vulnerability & limitations from which cloud hosting protects:

1.> Data breaches

2.> DoS Attacks

3.> Malware Attacks

4.> Hacked Problems

5.> Data Deletions