How come Hampi, the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire, got ruined? - letsdiskuss
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abhishek rajput

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How come Hampi, the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire, got ruined?


Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on

Hampi used to be capital of magnificent Vijayanagar realm. It was sachedt and demolished after Battle of Talikoya where Aliya Rama Raya was deceived by his 2 islamic officers and vanquished.
As the militaries conflicted at Talikota, the fight was still for Rama Raya's powers. As indicated by one record, the Vijayanagara armed force had an infantry numbering 140,000 troopers contrasted with the 80,000 of the unified Deccan Sultanates. The defining moment showed up when the Gilani siblings, officers in Rama Raya's military, exchanged faithfulness during the fight, seriously debilitating the might of the Vijayanagara powers. This brought about the catch and moment decapitating of Rama Raya, sending his soldiers into complete disorder.
The beheading of Rama Raya was trailed by wide-scale pillaging of Vijayanagara. Thinking about the success of the capital, the Portuguese writer, Diego de Couto's, depiction isn't quite a bit of a misrepresentation: "… the loot was extraordinary to the point that each private man in the partnered armed force got wealthy in gold, gems, impacts, tents, arms, ponies, and slaves, as the kings left every individual possessing what he had obtained… "
One record portrays how a gigantic fire was lit inside the Vitthala Temple complex. Crowbars and tomahawks were utilized to crush the stunning stone structures and carvings. The imperial structures were sent colliding with the ground while the occupants were butchered. It took the united powers near five months to totally wreck and loot the capital.
Caesaro Federici, an Italian trader and voyager, visited Vijayanagar two years after the Battle of Talikota and its following decimation: "The Citie [city] isn't inside and out crushed, yet the houses stop, yet emptie [empty], and there is staying in them nothing, yet Tygres [tigers] and other wild monsters."
