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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

How did a tweet of Kylie Jenner swipe down market value of Snapchat?


Fitness trainer,Fitness Academy | Posted on

Kylie Jenner who has more than 24 million followers on Twitter is a Hollywood celebrity that rules Twitter. Recently, she tweeted "sooo does anyone else not open Snapchatanymore? Or is it just me... ugh this is so sad." She further added in a series of tweet thread "still love you tho snap ... my first love".

These tweets made the share of share Snapchat Inc. a social media platform,dropped by 8 percent in the US stock market. According to a report by the BBC, Kylie Jenner’s tweets did cost them around $1.3bn of their market stock value and the shares of the app fell to 8 percent and closed down by 6 percent at the same day when Kylie Jenner tweeted.

She has a huge fan following of followers on Twitter and her one of tweets got more than 3 lakh likes and retweeted more than seventy four thousands times on Snapchat.

Snapchat is facing a lot of bashing from their users since the company redesigned the app in November 2017. And Up to one million app users has signed a petitiontitled 'Remove the new Snapchat update. However, the companydidn't make any changes but it is expected that they will change the 'Friends and Discover' section of the app in the next update.
