How did hackers delete the most watched video ‘’Despacito’’ on Youtube? - letsdiskuss
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Rishi Roy

Cricketer , Dronacharya Cricket Academy | Posted on | Entertainment

How did hackers delete the most watched video ‘’Despacito’’ on Youtube?


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

A group of hackers by the name of “Prosox & Kuroi’SH & Shade & Akashi IT &….” did not hack “YouTube”, which is owned by search engine giant Google. Actually, the main root cause of problem is Vevo, which has an official account on YouTube that shows popular music videos, but their site is backed by music labels that hosts videos for them and not YouTube itself.

When the hackers targeted on a couple of Vevo channels, YouTube quickly informed Vevo to disable access to the third party but till time Vevo made the changes, the damage had been done. Hackers hackedVevo accounts of popular singers and the most watched music video on YouTube, ‘Despacito’, that was deleted. The video was unavailable on YouTube for over an hour. Even the Vevo confirmed a security breach on its end.

However, the video Despacito has been restored on YouTube and users can watch it again. The video Despacito has more than 5 billion views and it is the most watched video on YouTube.
