How did Japan kept the best of its culture on display during Fifa world cup 2018? - letsdiskuss
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How did Japan kept the best of its culture on display during Fifa world cup 2018?


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

Japan may have lost the game against Belgium in Fifa World Cup 2018, but it surely did win the whole world’s hearts and respect. Japanese players left no page upturned to try winning as the game displayed, and they were at their best even after the game. Japanese culture and manners were on the display when the Japanese players stayed back after the lost game was finished, to clean their changing room. Even the heartbroken fans stayed back to clean up the stadium.

Japan gave a very special message to the world through this gesture. It showed that the international events like world cups are not only about winning and losing. They are meant for something bigger. They are about maintaining the dignity of the hosts, about showcasing your nation on an international level, and about not forgetting the basic etiquette and what you have been taught at home since childhood, when you are away from your homeland.

The integrity, the dignity, the brotherhood, the fraternity that the international events like world cup are mean to promote was displayed by Japan in Fifa 2018. “Spasibo” Japan, for reminding us all this.
