How difficult it is to be a model? - letsdiskuss
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Urmila Solanki

BBA in mass communication | Posted on | Entertainment

How difficult it is to be a model?


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

I have always admired the life of a model until I recently got to know about the hardships they have to face in life. It is not as easy as it looks to become top models of the industry, some of the major difficulties that one can come across are:

• Maintaining a perfect figure: The answer to the first question about how to become a model is to maintain a perfect figure. One needs to follow a strict diet and perform intense workouts and sacrifice a lot to get into such a right shape.

• Competition: It is true that there is a lot of competition in the modeling industry. One had to cross over the models to come at a top position which leads to hatred among other models for you.

• Contacts: In order to get to the top modeling position, it is really important to have connections with the authoritative people of the industry. Sometimes you have to do their personal tasks as well to impress them.

• Start from a younger age: If you want to become a model you should start taking care of yourself right from a tender age of 15 to 16 years.
