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Meetali Asiwal

Thinker | Posted on | Science-Technology

How do I manage and remember so many different passwords?


Blogger | Posted on

I likewise got to this point in my life once. I read articles on the best way to keep your secret phrase safe and not rehash them for certain reasons I really couldn't care less about any longer.

So they instruct you not to

1. Rehash passwords

2. Compose the down, and so on.

(I recall these two on the grounds that those are exactly what I need.)

I would not like to utilize a secret phrase chief for the conspicuous explanation "imagine a scenario in which somebody got my lord secret key.

Long story short, I thought of my own "equation" for passwords. It's not the best but rather has worked for me from that point forward. 1 ensured It included the greater part of the rules and regulations for getting a decent secret word.

I am going to give an example which I don't suggest for anybody. You can think of yours. Simply ensure you recollect them.

1. The site name influences the secret key.

2. The quantity of characters in the area.

3. Most likely the primary x characters in the area compares to the uncommon characters "on the console".

4. Vowels are capitalized. And so forth.

Simply think of something that you can recollect effectively, produces a decent secret word and difficult to figure.

Also, yes I take a gander at the area name and simply concoct my secret key exceptionally quick. I don't need to recall any secret key. None of my passwords are the equivalent. My equation is my mystery formula. No outsiders included.

Also, am not moving anybody to figure my equation. Simply addressing a Quora question.

Have some good times thinking of your equation.


Freelance Technical Editor and Proofreader | Posted on

It is not recommended that you use the same password for your accounts. I advise using a password manager. In that way, you are only required to remember one main password and refer to the app when a password for an account is needed.


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Admittedly, it really gets difficult to manage and remember the passwords of so many websites. A simple thing you can do is to keep all the passwords same with only minor differences either at the beginning or the end. It will be less hassle to remember them.

Another thing you can do, although not highly recommended, is write down all your passwords in MS Word doc and encrypt that file with a password. Whenever you need to login anywhere, open this document, check the password and ta-dah…

(Courtesy: Kaspersky Lab)

Another way is to keep them in a USB drive in an encrypted mode.

These days many people use password managers. So, that’s another way to remember the passwords. You can download the app/software and then store all your passwords inside their vault. These solutions are usually highly robust with well security layers that’ difficult to bypass for anyone. Look into LastPass ( or 1Password ( Now the thing is, many of these apps usually come with a price tag. Also, my personal opinion is that I don’t know how comfortable I am in storing all the passwords on a third-party cloud. Additionally, an important worry is how reliable and trusted these password managers are. You must do intensive research to find someone who’s genuine and reputed.

You may also use passphrases such as ‘I love my cat’.

You can also take first 5 characters from a poem you love and create a password.

The simplest and free way to remember the passwords is, again, to keep them almost identical with only a few minor changes at the end or beginning. Also, you need to switch on 2-step verification on almost every login credential.


Software Strategist & Digital Marketing Specialist | Posted on

Just try to maintain one spreadsheet(Google drive sheet. Its secure, safe, easy to access from anywhere. Even you can share this with your partner(GF,wife) but interesting part is, that spreadsheet dose not content any of your personal password for several social media platform.