How do I solve the “site can’t be reached” issue? - letsdiskuss
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Erica Terner

Student | Posted on | Science-Technology

How do I solve the “site can’t be reached” issue?


Student | Posted on

While browsing any website, sometimes, we face “site can’t be reached” issue. But most of the users don’t have solutions on how to fix it. Don’t worry; here is a troubleshooting guide for this error. Try these methods:

• Reset your Google chrome setting; perhaps it might cause a problem in surfing the site

• Restart DNS client-server and then check whether the problem persists or solved

• Update your wire-free adapter drivers

• Reset your TCP/IP and then check “site can’t be reached problem resolved or not

• Reinstall Network driver for troubleshooting this error

• Change your IPv4DNS address

• Reinstall your chrome browser and update it with the latest version.

Sometimes this error seems similar to WordPress error 404, however, try above methods, it would surely solve your site can’t be reached an error.
