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Vikas Gupta

Works at Accountant | Posted on | others

How do I start a manufacturing plant in India?


online journalist | Posted on

Constructing any plant requires a great idea that the maker has a vision of making big. The idea should have a practical layout through which some output could be achieved. Starting a manufacturing plant in India involves few steps:
• Plot: A land is required to set up an industry where work can be carried out without disruption. The land should be near to water resources and should be away from urbanization for better functioning.
• Government approval: Getting government acknowledgment for the plant is vital. Registering the entity and obtaining no objection certificate is essential before we move toward other procedures. Also, registering the plant with the entire tax official ensures the smooth running of the industry.
• Capital cost: financial strength determines the building of the plant, getting the raw material and equipping it with required pieces of machinery. It also plays important role in hiring people for different posts having experience.
• Infrastructure: This area involves applying for electricity connection, water connection and set up the location as a working environment.
• Recruitment: Any industry is built by the people working in it, it is important to recruit the mass having the skill and providing them efficient training for the progress of industry.
These aspects shape any manufacturing industry in India for its goodwill. A little patience and smart planning definitely make people ready for the long run.
