How does stress affect beauty - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Health-beauty

How does stress affect beauty


If you're anything like me, chances are, you've found yourself wondering whether or not anxiety or stress could actually affect your beauty. We all have that one friend who is always perfectly put together and looking on top of the world, but it seems like they're constantly worried about something (even if they won't admit it). Well, this post is here to provide an answer that may be a little less shocking that some might expect.

When you find yourself in a stressful situation make sure you don't neglect your skin care routine. All those expensive treatments and top-quality products are going to go to waste if you don't actually use them. Make sure that you're using a moisturizer and sunscreen daily, and be sure to exfoliate up to twice a week! Stress can clog your pores which could lead to breakouts, plus it dries out your skin, so adding an extra few minutes of taking care of yourself is always helpful.

Also read this :-What are the beauty tips to be followed before going to bed ?




While we're all told that beauty doesn't come from a can, many of us are also told that beauty should always be as natural as possible. That is, until now.
First and foremost, the chemicals in many personal care products have been found to cause cancer. More importantly for our purposes today, they can also worsen the effects of stress on your skin. Stress has been linked to a number of health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease with similarly negative effects on your looks.



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