How extensively is Google using Artificial Intelligence in its operations? - letsdiskuss
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राहुल श्रीवास्तव

Accountant, (Kotak Mahindra Bank) | Posted on | Science-Technology

How extensively is Google using Artificial Intelligence in its operations?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Google is just starting with AI. In the coming days, don’t be surprised if it lays off people and let AI programs do the work. Something like what Facebook has done recently. At this moment,Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learningarestill in their evolutionary stage. So, they aren’t necessarily implemented in the core operations of different projects of Google.

For example, recently, Google introduced RankBrain in its search algorithm. RankBrain is amachine learning programthat learns from users’ browsing intent, theirbehaviorand thenrankswebsites accordingly. It works without any manual intrusion of engineers. The program is implemented on a very small scale right now. But it’s playing abiggerrole in SEO than ever. In the coming days, you can expect it totake overthe old-school search algorithm.

To manage data, to show ads, to complete basic tasks— Google uses AI, much like many other companies. In the coming days, with how fast and efficiently,Artificial Intelligence andMachine Leaning programare progressing, expect its application in manufacturing of Smartphones, designing interface, developing software, and more. And with Google being the biggest tech company in the world, you can expect a lot of such AI-based innovationscoming toits massive campus that homes some of the brightest minds.



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Today Google is using TensorFlow, its open ­source platform for machine learning, giving anyone a computer and internet connection access to one of the most powerful machine learning platforms ever created. More than 50 Google products have adopted TensorFlow to harness deep learning (machine learning using deep neural networks) as a tool, from identifying you and your friends in the Photos app to refining its core search engine. Google has become a machine learning and AI company. if you need a machine learning and ai solutions for your business.