How important is health? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

@letsuser | Posted on | Health-beauty

How important is health?



Health can be defined as a state of being healthy from inside that means that there are no physical issues or illnesses. There is an importance of health in everyone's life. There is a great need to be educated and have knowledge and skill about positive health. Health is important because it gives everyone a healthy living lifestyle and also reduces the risk of other health problems to occur. To have a great health, physical exercise and proper diet is important for everyone.



student | Posted on

Health is a state of physical, mental and soci well being. For this, a balanced diet os needed. Another important factors for healthy body are proper shelter, take enough sleep and have a hygienic habits. It is important for the mental condition of any individual. It can directly affects the mind. It can also affect us socially. A social development is linked with health development. Economic development and jobs will also depends on the health condition.Letsdiskuss


Content writer | Posted on

Health is Wealth.This is a very important proverb and a meaningful one too.A healthy lifestyle can prevent chronic illnesses and visits to hospitals and paying medical bills can be avoided .This will help in saving money too.
Staying fit can be done by eating right and healthy meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Spending about half an hour in a day for exercising can help to keep our body fit and healthy. This will help us to maintain ideal weight and keep away the dangers of obesity.


SEO | Posted on

Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body.


translator | Posted on

When a human being is free of any disease and is fit and fine mentally , physically and leading a good social life that person is said to be healthy. Maintaining good health is very important for a productive and stress free life.Health can be managed with eating balanced and nutritious food, doing exercise at least 5 days in a week for 40 minutes daily,learning to manage stress in life,having a positive outlook ,having a purpose in life and having good social interaction with friends and relatives.



@Health Professional | Posted on

A good health helps a person to find happiness and deep satisfaction in everything that happens. It helps one to be productive and active in expressing the field of selected activities. If you take the right approach to the body, in return you will not only get a good mood, but also a high intellectual capacity.


Blogger | Posted on

We've been hearing since from the childhood that HEALTH is the utmost priority. And that is true for a reason.

Most of the people gets confused regarding the term "Health". Every person has two types of health to care of; Physical and Mental Health.

One need to focus on these two types of health in their life to be more active, mindful, and healthy.


Developer | Posted on

As a human being, health is one of the precious diamonds in our body, it's all on yours, how you can treat with your body. Maintaining your health is a basic part of your life. Wake up early in the morning and do some yoga or exercise at least for one hour. You can follow the apps that are easily available in the App Store & Play Store. Go and get the app & follow their gudelines.