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Aditya Singla

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How is Holi celebrated in different regions of India?


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India is a vibrant and colorful country which has different festivals being celebrated in its different parts. Not just this, but there are many festivals in India which are celebrated in thousands of different ways in different regions. Holi is one such festival.

Primarily, Holi is the festival of colors, and in different colors, it is celebrated all over the subcontinent.

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In some parts, it is celebrated with as much enthusiasm and vigor as it can be and in some parts, it is a silent celebration with only some communities taking part.

In North India, the Holi of Mathura and Vrindavan is most famous. It is the best place to see how happiness takes the colors of ecstasy when combined with devotion and faith. This devotion and faith are that of Lord Krishna whose legends have given a start to certain practices like Latth Maar Holi and the Holi of Flowers in the region.

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In the eastern parts of India, Holi of Manipur and West Bengal is worth witnessing. In Manipur, the festival is celebrated as Yaosang, and the main highlight of the celebration is the Manipuri folk dance Thabal chongba. The festival here is the amalgamation of Hindu tradition of playing colors and the indigenous folk culture.

In West Bengal, Holi is called Basant Utsav and is mainly celebrated with great pomp and show in Shantiniketan. In the celebration, the idols of Radha and Krishna are taken out on streets in a great procession.

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Coming to the Western parts of India, Holi is quite attractive in Goa and Maharashtra. While the festival is about playing with color and water known as Rang Panchami in Maharashtra, it is mixed up with authentic Goan culture in Goa. Called Shigmo in Goa, the festival is enjoyed as much by the locals as it is by the tourists.

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Although South India doesn’t celebrate Holi with the same enthusiasm as the rest of the country do, some communities of Kerala do celebrate the festival in their own way. Called Manjal Kuli, the festival is celebrated in the Konkani temple of Gosripuram Thirumala.