The sixth installment of MI ( Mission Impossible) series has been released last Friday. It is directed by Christopher Mcquarrie and stars Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Simon Pegg, Harris and Michelle Monaghan. Mission Impossible Fallout is getting a positive response from the audience as well as the critics.
Christopher Mcquarrie is the only director who directed two movies of MI franchise and I am glad by the decision as he gave us one of the best action movies ever. The movie refuses to dumb down itself and treats the audience as Adults. It challenges the audience to keep up with the movie as the movie unfold itself in every scene. You will feel every action as you are a part of it and every scene is filled with dramatic tension which will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Let’s talk about acting. Tom Cruise is good as always in his role, but what I find a surprise package is Henry Cavill aka Superman. He is in an all-new avatar, after watching Mission Impossible Fallout you will feel that DC is not utilizing the true potential of Henry. All the supporting cast is perfect in their respective roles.
Talking about the story, well I hate spoilers so I will not tell you any bit of the actual story. I am telling you what you can expect from the story. The story is nothing unprecedented or new, We all have seen the plot and story line in past, but the cinematography makes it feel fresh and the dramatic tension created through the writing in every scene makes it interesting and entertaining.
If I recommend it or not? Hell yes!! you should definitely watch this movie. One of the best action movies I have ever seen after Madmax fury.