How jeera water helps to reduce weight? - letsdiskuss
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Fitness trainer,Fitness Academy | Posted on | Food-Cooking

How jeera water helps to reduce weight?


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

Indian spices not only make any curry flavourful and colourful but is also couples with lots of health benefits and healing properties.
When we talk about cumin seeds, commonly known as jeera is most common spice. It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and nutrient. But did you know that Jeera water is a miraculous weight-loss drink? Jeera water reduce weight in healthy manner.
Researchers believes that drinking a glass of cumin water on an empty stomach in morning can be very beneficial to your health. It boosts body metabolism, aids in better digestion, cures constipation, and a mystic beverage for weight loss.
Regular consumption of cumin water can reduce your abdominal fat and helps in detoxification of system. It burns the fat in the body, and reduces the unwanted fat accumulated in the body. Consuming this drink will make you satiated for a longer time and suppress hunger.
How to make Jeera water drink?
Take 2 tsps. cumin seeds and 1 cup of water. Soak two teaspoons of cumin seeds in a cup of water overnight. In the morning out them to boil, and leave it to cool down and strain it. Consume this drink on an empty stomach for incredible results.
Check down this video on cumin seeds drink.



Blogger | Posted on

Jeera water is said to help assimilation and improve defecation. It secretes chemicals, which help in separating sugars, fats and starches that keep the gut solid. A decent stomach related framework is the way to getting more fit successfully. Better processing further aides in improving metabolic rate, prompting weight reduction.