How long does the flu last? - letsdiskuss
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Marketing Manager | Posted on | Health-beauty

How long does the flu last?


Visiting Consultant Physician, Rockland hospital, Dwarka | Posted on

FLU or influenza is a respiratory tract infection caused by the influenza virus. It may be a mild disease or can be severe. It is different from the common cold and in severe conditions, it may cause death also. It is characterized by nasal discharge, fever, cough, sore throat, myalgia, body aches, headache, fatigue. Some pt may have diarrhea, vomiting also.

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Generally, it is self limited and resolves in a week but sometimes, mostly in infants, elderly , diabetics and immunosuppressed persons, it may be complicated by pneumonia, myocarditis, meningitis etc. Warning signs for severe flu may be difficulty in breathing, severe bodyache, increased respiratory rate, chest pain, altered sensorium. So in case of severe symptoms and in the high-risk group , pt must consult a doctor.

Flu is contagious and can infect other persons when they come in contact with the pt. Pt may be infective up to 24 hrs after the subsidence of fever. So pt should avoid contact with a normal person.
Mild flu subsides by itself with supportive therapy like steam inhalation, nasal decongestant etc. Severe flu needs antiviral treatment.
Severe flu warrants proper evaluation and admission in the hospital.