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How long is 1 hour in space?


Student | Posted on

The length of an hour is an hour. The time it takes for the Earth to rotate on its axis once is 24 hours, or 1440 minutes. In a day, our planet completes one rotation. A full rotation needs 360 degrees, so there are 5 full revolutions every day. A revolution on Earth takes about 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete 365 days per year on average.




I've always wondered how time passes in space. Is one hour in space equal to one hour on Earth?

The answer is no, it's not! The length of an hour depends on where you are standing. If you're standing on the ground, at sea level, you can mark 60 seconds in a minute. One minute has the same period here as it does anywhere else. However, if you go up in altitude, gravity becomes weaker and clocks slow down. On Mount Everest for example, your watch will run slower than on sea level because there is less gravity trying to pull your hand down towards the surface of the Earth.



The same goes for time.

Time is the distance, measured by an hour. It's the time taken for one revolution of the Earth around its axis. The Earth rotates every 24 hours in a day. This rotation takes 24 hours (a day) on average, but there are 365 days in a year.


If you were born at sea level, then you have lived about 360 hours per year or 2160 hours in your life already. If you live at a high altitude, let's say on Everest, then you have rotated 360 degrees fewer times because there is less gravity. So every year has fewer days and fewer hours than people who live at sea level.



How long is 1 hour in space?


If you live in space, then you have no miles, feet, or inches. You have no day or night there either. The only thing you have is an hour. An hour is your life expectancy there... if you are very lucky! So how long does an hour last?

The answer is one of the most difficult questions in the world of astronomy. Here on Earth, time seems to move slowly because of gravity. We are pulled towards the ground by gravity and time moves slowly for us because of this pull - everything takes longer there.


student | Posted on

One hour in space is equal to 7 years on Earth. The reasons behind this are gravity time dependence, time and mass relation, etc. It has been discovered that heavy masses take time more than lighter ones. Gravity bends space-time. There is nothing in space or say free space-time that would move on faster than in a region with gravity. That's

why, Earth take more time than space as it has gravity?





| Posted on

One hour in space is the same as one hour on Earth. This is because time is a relative concept, and the passage of time is affected by motion and gravity. While objects in space experience different levels of gravity and may be moving at different speeds, the concept of time remains the same.




However, it's important to note that time can appear to move more slowly or more quickly depending on the observer's relative motion and gravitational conditions. This effect, known as time dilation, is a consequence of Einstein's theory of relativity and has been observed in experiments involving high-speed particles and atomic clocks.

For example, astronauts in space do experience some time dilation due to their orbital speed and the weaker gravitational field outside of Earth's atmosphere. However, the difference in time is so small that it is not noticeable in everyday life.