How many languages do you speak? - letsdiskuss
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Riddhi P

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How many languages do you speak?


Self Employed | Posted on

Language is the mode to communicate with people. The more language you learn the more you will be able to communicate with the people. You can exchange each other's culture. You can learn different things from different languages' people. You will gain a lot of experience. I like Hindi, English, Bebgali, Assamese, Bhojpuri, Punjabi and Haryani languages. But I can speak only in Hindi and English. I can speak in Punjabi a little.



@ teacher student professor | Posted on

I can speak hindi punjabi English Rajasthani, Marwari, gujarati etc.


Student | Posted on

When it's about me, I can speak Hindi, English, punjabi, Bihari, Assamese. Language is something that can help to connect with different types of people that belong to different places. At this time knowledge of language is one of the Major parts of life. People can share one's thoughts with each other with the help of language. If we know how to talk or when one knows the language then we can connect all over the world and it will enhance our experience of life.


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Laguage is the best option of communication between two persons. Without language nobody can communicate easily with others. No doubt a dumb person can communicate with sign language. But people find some difficulties to understand the sign language. Because it is not so popular language. So, a person must know some laguage for better communication. I know Hindi, English, punjabi and also little bit Telugu.