How much calories burn in kiss? - letsdiskuss
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Sidhanth Bhatt

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How much calories burn in kiss?


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On the face of it, it may seem nonsensical or even a cliché that one should burn calories through kissing, but there is scientific evidence suggesting that this simple act uses energy. Nonetheless, scientists have been able to try and measure how many calories are burned during a kiss. On average, passionate kisses lasting about sixty seconds can consume between two and five calories. However, compared to other physical activities this estimate is relatively small. For instance, taking a fast walk for an equal duration would probably lead to much higher calorie expenditure. Although its impact on calorie loss is not such great when compared with other activities of the same kind performed by humans like jogging or swimming, kissing helps in working out various muscles on the face and neck as well as even core ones especially during more memorable moments.

Curiously enough though, recent studies have established that there are additional health benefits that accrue from kissing such as burning some calories. For instance, while cortisol has long been recognized as a “stress hormone,” evidence also suggests it can be reduced by good old fashioned kissing. Additionally known as “love hormone,” oxytocin release could help in fostering trust, bondingas well as overall wellbeing.
Besides, the act of kissing is not only about physical hard work or how many calories one can burn. It is an activity that carries deep meaning psychologically in relationships among human beings. Kissing is central in courtship, intimacy and bonding amongst partners. Hence it becomes a nonverbal way for showing affection, desire, emotional connection among others. The intimacy of a kiss strengthens relationships by creating more emotional bonds, which often gives individuals a sense of closeness and security.

To conclude, while kissing may not result in significant calories burning like many other exercises do; however it has several benefits physiologically and psychologically. Kissing demonstrates the complex interplay between physical and emotional aspects of human interaction from engaging various muscles to promoting emotional intimacy and well-being. The next time you share a kiss with your partner, remember that it’s not just a transitory passion but an elaborate expression of love and connection with multiple health implications.


