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Rakesh Singh

Delhi Press | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

How much money does the Franchise of Domino’s Pizza make in India?


Marketing Manager | Posted on


I highly doubt such information ever goes public. So one cannot ever be sure of this unless you’re talking to an insider! However, one can easily assume that given Dominos is one of the leading brands, its franchisees usually get quite high. Why do you think it has over 552 stores in over 130 cities in India? People want to be its franchise because there definitely is profit in the game.

What we know is that Dominos offers a percentage of sales to their franchises that are based on the rent and expense of the store. And this rent and expense largely depend on where this store is located. If it’s an urban area, it’s going to be high—so Dominos would offer more. But if it’s in rural-like place—the franchise would get less percentage of the sale.

If I have to take a wild guess, if you get the franchise of Dominos, you could make more than Rs 1.5 lakhs per month rather easily.