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Crystal JPace

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How One Can do Promotion of Coupon Site?


Software engineer at HCL technologies | Posted on

To get traffic on any website the most essential prerequisites are: 1) Your website’s design, and 2) The quality of your content.

But if we go with the experts’ advice how your product is designed and built should depend on the marketing. So if you are hosting the best of the quality but can’t get traffic on your website, it’s of no use at all. The kind of traffic that you need has not to be in bulk, but it should be steady and sustainable.


So dwell upon your website’s design and content only after figuring out marketing and promotion strategies.

In your case, it’s all about coupons and there are a lot of people out there who search for online coupons every day. All you need to do is have a strategy to reach the desired and desiring users.
Given below are some points that can help you get traffic on your coupon website:

1. Social Media Organic marketing like growing twitter following, and then tweeting every single day with awesome coupons & deals to entice your followers.

2. Blog about it. Don’t worry about few customers subscribing to your blog. Posting frequently will help you grow steadily.

3. Post coupons on online business directory sites which distributes coupons automatically to the targeted audience. For example, Facebook.

4. You can also promote your coupon through E mail marketing.

5. Target social shopping sites and offer attractive discounts.

6. Use your social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter to give special discounts to your acquaintances.

7. Use Facebook Ads and Google Adsense ads to market your product.

8. Run campaign ads on all social media platforms, and on other websites as well.

9. Use LinkedIn or building professional networks.

10. Indulge in info graphic submission as much as possible.