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The latest sensation, Artificial Intelligence is said to have the capability of ending poverty in the world. And of many ways that can happen, including the role it can play in the education sector.
Poor countries can use AI solutions to elevate the standards of their education system with intuitiveness and higher efficiency. Replacing teachers and traditional education standards, they can go beyond the needed scope to teach students much more than curriculum. AI systems can be more efficient in teaching tough concepts even to the weaker students.
Plus, education can become much cheaper. So those who can’t afford basic education (whose number is very high in poor countries), even can learn.
In short, everything in the education field could be much more efficient, quick, and cheap.
However, the happening of that in poverty-stricken countries seems like a difficult task for a few years moving forward. Because these countries still have poor ***** of internet and computers. They still have very little idea of AI and other cutting-edge technology. So unless you understand something, you won’t use it, would you!?
The community as a whole must be trained to welcome such new-age technology. Governments must invest heftily in building the right infrastructure and bringing transformational change in society, which, honestly, sounds like a fanatical idea.
But yeah, technology can easily improve the state of the education system by introducing AI and training communities for such change. But that is only possible if the governments of poor countries want it to happen.
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Technology offers significant opportunities for developing countries to improve their education sectors, even with limited resources. Here are several ways in which poor countries can leverage technology for educational advancement:
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Training is the entryway to enhancing everything that impacts the lives of the distraught and under-taught.
The web gives a portal to canned and live training settings. The decisions are perpetual. DIY instruction as recordings and content and in addition live classrooms.
Dialect hindrances, topographical boundaries, and money-related obstructions to instruction are effortlessly defeated by utilizing the broadband web.
I can consider nothing more effective and advantageous.
The effect of more noteworthy instruction will help balance populace development and spread the esteem that information makes. Nature accommodates all life on earth and it is the ideal opportunity for people to comprehend that all that they need and need is provided ordinarily at no cost other than work. Work isn't restricted to occupations. Occupations are a type of budgetary subjugation made by the false and fizzled sociology of financial matters. The few benefit while the most live in need.
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The latest sensation, Artificial Intelligence is said to have capabilities of ending poverty from the world. And of many ways that can happen, includes the role it can play in the education sector.
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