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Ajay Paswan

Physical Education Trainer | Posted on | Health-beauty

How quickly water reaches our bladder?


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on

I don’t think I am the most qualified person to answer this question. And even those who are qualified in this niche, she or he won’t be able to answer that properly. Also, I think how long the water takes to reach our bladder varies from person to person. It depends on their internal functioning and the rate of blood circulation.

To know how long it takes in you, do an experiment yourself. Get up in the morning, ***** and drink a lot of water (at least 32 oz glass of water). Don’t eat anything then. Put the timer on and see how long it takes for you to feel the urge of urinating again. Clock the time and that’s your answer.

When you drink water, the water goes from your mouth to pharynx and then esophagus. Passing through esophagus, it reaches the stomach where a portion of it gets absorbed. Remaining reaches the small intestine, where a large portion gets absorbed. It is then the water enters our blood circulation. From there it goes through a series of organs, getting utilized and filtered. At the end, it gets filtered through kidneys and eventually reaches our bladder.

Hopefully, the answer painted the right picture and gave you what you’re looking for! :)



Blogger | Posted on

No standard its distinctive individual to individual and it depends how quick fileration rate your body have


Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on

On average, it takes the human body approximately two to three hours to excrete a liter of water through the bladder But it also depends on how much water you drink and how much volume was already in your bladder when you had the drink, your insensible fluid losses at the time due to sweating and breathing, your circulating blood volume, your electrolyte balance, how good your kidney and heart function is, and how rapidly you absorb the water from your gut. If you are dehydrated, your kidneys will conserve water and it may be hours before you make any urine. If you are overhydrated, you will make urine immediately.


Blogger | Posted on

It swells into a round shape when it is full and gets smaller when empty. If the urinary system is healthy, the bladder can hold up to 16 ounces (2 cups) of urine comfortably for 2 to 5 hours.