How should be our house’s gate, according to Vastu Shastra? - letsdiskuss
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Vansh Chopra

System Engineer IBM | Posted on | Astrology

How should be our house’s gate, according to Vastu Shastra?


Astrologer,Shiv shakti Jyotish Kendra | Posted on

Those who believe in Vastu Shastra take care of each and every minute detail while the construction of their houses. Same is the case with the gate of the house, for which the material, color, direction, etc., are decided according to Vastu Shastra.

It is said that if the gate of your house is not in accordance with Vastu Shastra, you may have to face a lot of difficulties.

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You should keep the following things in mind while constructing the gate of your house:

1. If the color of your house’s gate is black, it can affect the prospects of the income of wealth in your house adversely.

2. While constructing the main gate of the house, note that it should be bigger than all the other gates of your house. If it is smaller than any of the other doors, you might have to face financial problems.

3. The gate should have the symbol of Ganesha and Swastik. This keeps negative energy out of the house.

4. Make sure the gate is not creaky. The maintenance of the gate should be done properly and in regular time intervals.