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Ravi Verma

blogger | Posted on | Science-Technology

How speech recognition technology can create new opportunities for your business?


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There are several devices that are connected with speech recognition technology. Well, the technology that does not require you to handle or control the device by your hands. You can control or instruct the device to work as per your spoken instructions with the help of speech recognition technology. This device is beneficial and widely used by both consumers and businesses of different sectors. Many years back, softwares for medical dictation and automated telephone systems were the uses of speech recognition technology.


Image Source: Google

1.Good for global business
Suppose your company needs or desires to do business with a foreign company whose language is unknown to you. No need to spend time or money with translators when devices are available with speech recognition technology. This technology recognizes the speech of any language and makes it highly comfortable to communicate with your global clients, customers, or partners.
2.Concentrate on other works
In business, you need to send or reply to several emails, right! Speech recognition technology has eliminated the need to write anything. Because all you need to do is to speak. The activated technology will recognize it and write the email on your behalf.
speech recognition technology
Image Source: Google
3.No risk of fraud
Speech recognition technology makes use of world-class voice biometrics. You get to know who exactly is calling you. So no one can make a fraud with your business and you may gain enough clients showing the guarantee of transparency in your business.
4.Get consumer demographics related information
The target of any business is to increase sales, support and improve marketing campaigns. Speech recognition technology has an in-built system for data mining of your audio. This helps to gain demographic information like gender, age, emotion, language, accents, and so on. All these data helps a busy to move to the next level
Other than these, you can mitigate risk factors and support business agents and representatives with speech recognition technology.


student | Posted on

The term "Speech Recognition Technology" refers to the the technology in which humans are able to communicate with the computer devices. It enables the computer or electronic devices to fulfill our demands and respond to the questions. It's basic and famous examples are Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, etc. It has huge advantage of attracting the customers to the applications or technology. Businesses like call centers get benefited with this voice recognition technology. So, this technology has various advantages and also creates more and more businesses opportunities.



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Voice recognition has been on the expansion as an influential and significant technology for several years. It began with consumer markets with customer service lines that asked you to state the rationale for your call or use conversation rather than phone buttons to choose an option.

This demonstrated an unpleasant experience for many consumers because the technology wasn't yet advanced enough.

Speech recognition technology has only enhanced more accessibility to both consumers and corporations.

Here are a number of the advantages of speech recognition software.

  1. Speed and easy communication
  2. Quick document turnaround
  3. Time saved with increased efficiency
  4. Multitasking – dictation on the go
  5. Flexibility to share files across devices
  6. Secure pathways for information transmission
  7. Accessible from your iPhone, Android, or tablet


designer | Posted on

Banks have seen the value in voice-based banking not only in added customer convenience, but also in reducing the need for human customer service representatives.

Medical transcription software uses speech recognition to capture patient diagnosis notes.

Doctors can shorten the average appointment by using speech recognition instead of typing out their own notes, allowing them to see more patients.