How stress can affect pregnancy ? - letsdiskuss
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Kanika Malhotra

On the path of becoming a professional Life Coach | Posted on | Health-beauty

How stress can affect pregnancy ?


homemaker.blogger | Posted on

Pregnancy is a time when an expectant mother has to welcome many changes in family life, in her body, emotions etc. While welcoming these changes stress and anxiety also gets added to her life. As per researchers, short term stress is quite normal and does not seem to have an adverse and unfavorable impact on fetus. But feeling constantly stressed during pregnancy can lead to complications like miscarriage, premature birth, change in the metabolism of placenta, fetal neuro-development etc. If an expectant mother is stressed for a longer period, her body releases a stress hormone called CRH, a small amount of this hormone enters in fetus with supply of nutrients. This gives a negative consequence for the development of unborn child. Also, after birth, risk of mental and physical illness in child also increases like behavioral and emotional problems, cognitive and motor development issues, attention regulation and temperament problems and cardiovascular diseases. “Stress is a silent disease” It adversely affects the expectant mother too. Too much stress can lead to discomforts like insomnia, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, racing heartbeat etc. Psychologists advise expecting mothers to seek support from friend, family, your partner and therapists etc. or people you trust. Since it negatively affects mother’s and baby health, recognizing the source of stress and getting its treatment is very important.



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When a pregnant person feels stressed, it can affect both them and the growing baby. While a little stress is normal, having too much or for a long time during pregnancy can cause problems. Here are some ways stress can affect pregnancy:

1. Hormonal Changes: When a person is stressed, their body makes special chemicals called hormones. Too much of these hormones can mess up other important ones needed for pregnancy.

2. Complications: Too much stress during pregnancy can make it more likely for the baby to be born too early or too small. This can lead to health problems for the baby.

3. Immune System: Stress can make it easier for the mom to get sick. This can be bad for both the mom and the baby.

4. Blood Pressure: Too much stress can make the mom's blood pressure go up. This can be dangerous during pregnancy and cause other problems.

5. Behavioral Impact: Stress might make the mom do things that aren't healthy, like smoking, drinking alcohol, or eating poorly. This can be harmful for the baby.

6. Emotional Well-being: If the mom is very stressed, she might feel very worried or sad. This can be a problem and might need special help from a doctor.

7. Fetal Development: If a pregnant person is very, very stressed, it might affect how the baby's brain grows. This could cause problems with how the baby acts or thinks later in life.

Remember, some stress is normal, but too much is not good during pregnancy.
