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Sameer Tewatiya

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How to be a good listener?


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Listening is very important in the life this skill will be used in all the work you do of you will be employee you have to listen to your boss or if you will be the boss then you have to listen to your employees than only you can be a good leader.So here are some of the tips on how to become a good leader are as follows:

1. Talk less and listen more.

2.Do not take a stress a saying only good thing.

3.Do not ask unnecessary questions.



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  1. Attempt to support an eye contact with the person- It is said that eyes are the window to the seat of feeling .' You Will eventually touch an inner put heart into to give attention to his/her story with the most possible attention and desire .
  2. Put that goddamn phone away - You are not going to not see out watching any stand-ups or laughing at the memes or learning how to style a shirt in five-different ways in a matter of few minutes or hours . This will but for you from all the something taking attention away and you will be able to concentrate better .
  3. Do Not be making decisions (about behavior) - If some-one is having belief in you, then do not make them regret their selection . Do Not way opinion-giving remarks after they are done saying, talking . analyse their place, position for sometime . Do Not be too quick to way on comments . Put yourself in their place, position, have in mind that wisely and act rightly .
  4. Do Not act like a puppet got use of person for money for some event - let see your emotions . come down hard them out. Make that person have a feeling of that you are truly and strongly mixed up in all of his/her conversations . express your opinions and ideas when needed.
  5. Do Not interrupt - Let them complete firstly and then put forward your ideas.
  6. Ask them about their living in general



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if you are talking about sports, mental state of being healthy, or anything between, there are a key set of skills that are useful in any talk . No matter how light or how heavy the thing talked of is, it' important to make a base of getting through knowledge how to give attention to . Here are the seven key components of being a better one hearing"

Step 1: make come into existence a comfortable frame for events and chance to Have a talk

The first step to having a purposeful discussion with another person is to make come into existence a chance to have that discussion in a place you can both be comfortable .

If you have belief in some-one in your living is in need and attempting to open up, offer them a chance to talk . give a suggestion to them out to get a drink . Offer to trouble middle-of-the-day meal . Go to a ballgame . By offering, you let yourself to be available to give attention to if they need to talk and by selecting a relaxing frame for events there will be less pressure and stress on the talk itself .

And most importantly: After you offer a chance to talk, Actually go and do it .

Step 2: Talk Less, give attention to More

one of the most important parts of hearing is to be present in the talk . used to let your mind go from place to place and be took attention away . focus on the now . give attention to what there having the same and be ready to make connections between .

For many of us, keeping in place present in a talk is hard, But we may not get clear about it . one of the most common difficulties with being present is that people keep having thoughts of what to say next . You will give attention to the first part of what the person is having the same, then the rest of your mind is having much to do having thoughts about what you should say when there completed . Or they give part a personal hard question with you and you immediately begin attempting to have in mind that of a solution. This is not being present . This is not hearing .

it' simple, not hard to take to be true that what you say and send in during a talk is the most important, But that ' not the Case. Sometimes the most purposeful part of a talk is letting the other person give part and be heard .

have in mind, It ' not about you .

Step 3: Be give approval with quiets down

quiets down can have a feeling of poor design, But they by going every day have to be . We often attempt to put in till full the discomfort that comes from quietness with talking, but in the end stops the talk from getting any deeper or more purposeful .

quiets down let people to have in mind that and profit give support to about whatever is being had a discussion about . It gives us a moment to digest new information and take into account as how it makes us have a feeling of . It also gives a chance for us to give thought to what to say next and questions to ask . It lets us to have a feeling of and be open to attack .

kevin curtis explains that he will ask a question then be seated in quietness for minutes while he waits for a Patient to be acting in answer . It leads to a deeper getting through knowledge between him and the people he talks with . He puts in mind of ones hearing that some of the most purposeful conversations in living by going every day have a mass of talking .
4. Aak good question
5. be careful when sharing your personal experience
6. Do not stress about saying the right thing