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Thalla Lokesh

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How to become a wedding planner in India? What is it like to be a wedding planner?


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To be a wedding planner in India, these must be quality

If you want to become a wedding planner then the first thing is that you must take responsibility. Along with this, it is very important to have your interest in this field as well. If you are interested in managing weddings, ceremonies, etc. then you can become the best and successful wedding planner. And make a career

1. A perfect keeping in mind the choice and personality of its clients

And make better wedding plans. From rituals to rituals, every small arrangement has to be made.

2. If you talk about some important qualities, then you have the ability to make quick decisions, the qualities of creativity management, sociability, the way people interact, the ability to work in a team, the ability to deal with a situation, then it The area is a golden opportunity for you.

3. To make your career as a Wedding Planner, you can do courses related to Event Management.


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Wedding planners are the one who plans the whole wedding according to your will and helps to make your wedding a good memorable day. Planning a wedding is not easy task you have done all planning to shopping till choice of venue cards and gifts. A wedding planner makes your task easy so that you can enjoy the wedding with fewer worries. Wedding planners are good option as they will give you an outline of all the functions and prepare accordingly. They help to lessen the burden that family goes through during wedding. They have a better contacts and options for your better wedding venue to shopping. They have a skill to manage whole function till entry and hospitality of guests. Hiring a wedding planner is quite good option as it curtails your headache of catering to decorations and gives you the best outsource where you can actually enjoy with your family and friends.

To become a wedding planner in India:-
• Grow lots contacts as here contact will help you to grow as much as you want and increase your market also in good pace.
• Plan things before you do, planning curtails the half work to be done. So always make sure you have planned lists to do.
• Respect couples choices and work according to their wish, in short customize your wedding plans.
• Try to work professionally and maintain good relation with the client. Develop your public relations as much as you can.
• Be organized and try to keep your mind calm. Do a work at a time don’t get messed up. And just chill out.