How to exercise outdoors, when the smog’s a killer? - letsdiskuss
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Navdeep Singh

Works at Buy and Sell Websites and Domain Names | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

How to exercise outdoors, when the smog’s a killer?


Business Development - HR | Posted on

Always try to go for exercise in park at early morning where lot's of Trees are there because of tree all the air is purified so no issue will occur in there!



Student (B.A(h) Philosophy, Content writer(Fashion and beauty) | Posted on

Poor air quality is an issue now a days in many cities. So is it safe to exercise outside in this situation or not is the main concern.

When aerobic exercise is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle, air pollution and exercise can be unhealthy combination.

Young children, older people and people who work or exercise outdoor can be especially susceptible.

Outdoor pollution comes from sources like: motor vehicle traffic, pollen from flowers, wind blown dust, burning wood, construction etc.

One reason for this increased risk may be that during exercise we inhale more air and breathe it deeply into your lungs.

To exercise outside in this pollution, one should :

Timing your workout carefully

Monitor air pollution levels

Avoid high pollution areas

Exercise indoors

Even you are not exercising, exposure to air pollution can worsley affect your health,But the combination of health problems and air pollution lead to heart diseases, asthma and what not!

If you have chronic disease, check with your doctor and when it's safe to exercise.

Also read - What is your favourite outdoor activity?
