Marketing Manager | Posted on | others
blogger | Posted on
You just amenably turn them down, and state that you'll complete it, without anyone else's input.
At that point they'll handover to you,
The first receipt
Frame 20, 21 and 22
Assessment receipt
Protection declaration
Impermanent RC
Do ensure that, you've all the previously mentioned records, in the event that you don't have them all, when you take the conveyance of the vehicle, hang tight for the dealership to handover them to you.
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Delhi Press | Posted on
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Blogger | Posted on
Report it at the closest police headquarters as lost. Take a duplicate of the FIR to either a tout at the RTO or you can go get out by asking individuals, where to discover a shape for the copy RC book, fill it, submit it, You will be given a receipt of demand.
Sit with that till it at long last achieves your home by post.
Utilizing the tout strategy may cost you an additional Rs. 400-500 however everything would be dealt with.
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