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Hammad Mohsin

Seo Manager | Posted on | Science-Technology

How To Get Your Android Phone Up To Speed??


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Smart phone is to everybody, what a Teddy bear is to a toddler. We want to grab it just for comfort. The sense of comfort and security the smart phone gives to its users is more than the sense of comfort and security one can get from a wallet.

We also use it for work, booking tickets, transferring money. The results of these financial activities depend on our Android phone's processing speed. Our phone's processing speed should be optimal, irrespective of the connectivity. To increase the speed of the phone, you can perform the following activities.

1. Clear cache and cookies from the phone. Even though cached data help in fast loading, in longer time it will occupy your phone's space. So clean it for better speed.

2. Update your apps in your Android phone regularly.

3. If you have made any changes in settings and if you think, that may be the cause of slow loading of your Android phone then reset your phone to factory reset mode.

4. Reduce auto sync. Don't sync too many accounts with your phone. It will reduce the speed.

5. Clean up your home screen. Crowded home screen will take time to load.

6. Uninstall apps in your phone that you are not using.

7. Install third party launchers for your Android phone. Try Nova launcher or Microsoft launchers.

8. Turn off animations in your smart phone.

I hope this will help to speed up your Android phone.



training institute | Posted on

1. Clear cache and cookies from the phone.

2 Reduce auto sync.

3. Stop auto update of apps.

4. Clear videos and photos which are not in use.This will free up the used space and make your device

work faster.

5. You can install other booster apps for clearing up the space.


Kanpur | Posted on

There are some steps to get optimize your mobile speed:-

1-Update your Android. ...

2-Remove Unwanted Apps. ...
3-Disable Unnecessary Apps. ...
4-Update Apps. ...
5-Use High-Speed Memory Card. ...
6-Keep Fewer Widgets. ...
7-Stop Syncing. ...
8-Turn off Animations.


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Different phones have different displays for clearing cache. In your phone go to setting menu -> Apps. In the Apps section click the app you want to clear the cache for. Tap on the storage, there you click the 'clear cache' . In some phones you can see it when you open the app itself. Letsdiskuss


Android Apps | Posted on

Talking about this, no matter how advanced the Android operating system becomes, it will definitely face the issues of junk. After all, it is something that keeps it running at a good speed.
Let me now answer your question. The best Phone cleaner app for your Android device is the Advanced Phone Cleaner. It is a tool that has been tailored specially for this purpose. It has been loved by many users globally and its reviews are positive in the majority.

Below are some of the features that can be really helpful for you.

1. Junk Cleaner- The perfect and quick cleaner to wipe out all the waste like app cache, residual files, temp files, empty folders, useless APKs, and others. It smartly analyzes your device for any such waste and cleans it on your command.

2. Social Cleaner- Intelligent cleaner to wipe out the junk media files received from the social media platforms.

3. Duplicates Cleaner- To smartly find and delete duplicate or look-alike photos from your device. It uses smart filters with which you can quickly find out the photos based on certain parameters.

This app offers various other features that can help you speed up your phone, give you longer battery life, maintains the temperature of your device, a strong Antivirus, and much more.
Advanced Phone Cleaner is the perfect choice for any Android device.