How to make your smartphone’s battery last longer? - letsdiskuss
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rahul shuklamgs

Mentor of Change at NITI Aayog | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

How to make your smartphone’s battery last longer?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Millennials don't get upset if they don't have money in their bank balance, but they will be furious and nervous if their smart phone's battery charge is over. 24 hours a day 365 days a year they are spending their time in smart phone. So they will be happy if they know how to make their smart phone's battery last longer.

Don't turn on off and turn on your phone frequently. Because turning on and off of your phone consumes larger amount of battery. Turn off your phone only if it remains off for longer period.

Don't follow the myth rule of charge fully and discharge fully. Lithium based batteries are meant for frequent charging. If your battery is low frequently, it will damage the battery.

Switch the vibrate function off. Vibration need more power. So the battery will be empty soon.

Stop the searching option. If your phone is searching for Wi-Fi or signal, the phone battery will over soon. Switch on Wi-Fi search only in the places where there is Wi-Fi.

Dim your display and screen . It will save more battery power.

Remove the apps which are running in the background. This need more memory and more memory means more power usage.

Don't let your screen wake up every time when there is a message received. If the screen is on and off often your phone will be in the charging mode only.

These are some tips to make your smart phone's battery last longer.
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Also Read :- Which brand of battery should I choose to buy?