How to prepare for IAS without coaching? - letsdiskuss
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Vansh Chopra

System Engineer IBM | Posted on | Education

How to prepare for IAS without coaching?


Physical Education Trainer | Posted on

Is coaching necessary to become an IAS? Are all the IAS on the verge of coaching? Can a normal person not prepare without coaching? Is coaching important to crack the IAS exam?

Yes, yes. I will give you the answer to these questions, you must have seen those people, who, without taking any coaching, prepare for the IAS. Today the names of many such veterans are among us.

Let us tell you how to prepare for the IAS examination without coaching -

1. Prepare Strategy - If you have decided to prepare for the IAS, prepare a strategy first. Like which topic you have to prepare and how much time will you invest the subject.

2. Select the applied subject of the graduation - Selection of topics is necessary, which will be the basis of your preparation.

3. Increasing general knowledge - To prepare for any type of examination, you need to read newspaper daily. You may also buy a monthly magazine from the market and go through general information which will increase your general knowledge. Listening to news on television and radio can also help.

4. Choose a skilled guide – A skilled guide can be helpful to you. This person may be your family member, relative, friend or anyone.

5. Look at the websites - India is moving towards digital, then why should we stay behind? We can also use our smartphones or laptops for the right things. Through this we can easily read from the websites that prepare us for IAS.



Student | Posted on

These are some steps, how to start preparation for IAS exam without coaching

Step 1 - Solve Previous Year Question Papers

Step 2 - Proper Study Plan

Step 3 - Regular Answer Writing

Step 5 - Current Affairs Preparation

Step 6 - Performance Analysis

Step 7 Youtube