How to prepare IELTS exam? - letsdiskuss
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How to prepare IELTS exam?


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International English Language Testing System or more unanimously known as IELTS is a test format which as the name suggests is a purely English based exam. It is a test of all your skills, which includes listening, reading, writing and speaking as well. The marking scheme of the IELTS exam is 1 to 9, with 1 being the lowest mark and 9 being the highest. One can also get marked in decimals as well. One unique fact about IELTS is that there is no concept of pass and fail when giving IELTS. The University of Cambridge originally came up with the idea of this exam in the year 1980 and has become very popular ever since. Like any other exam, IELTS is also something which needs a lot of preparation. Therefore, here is a list of tips and tricks which are specifically used for IELTS exam and can help you score better:

  • Make sure to understand your test format.
  • Along with the format, make sure that you know how you will be marked.
  • Once you have done the previous two steps, one very integral part when preparing for IELTS is to surround yourself with the English language completely. Whether its listening, reading, writing or speaking, make sure to constantly use it and get used to it.
  • Start preparing by first making an action chart where you segregate all that there is to be done and assign some amount of time to it.
  • To make things easier, join an online course which will guide you better.
  • Practice the sample papers/questions given online.
  • Slowly and steadily, start perfecting all the skills which are required to give the exam.
  • Keep checking your progress and see where you are lack and need improvement.
  • Once you have done all of this, one final step you urgently need to complete is to make sure to register for your exam so that you don't miss it.

Hope this answers your question.

Also read - What are the advantages of IELTS and TOEFL exams?

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Preparing for the IELTS exam involves understanding the exam format, setting goals, gathering study materials, and improving English language skills. It is essential to practice regularly with mock tests and seek feedback to identify areas for improvement. Developing time management strategies and engaging in conversation practice is also crucial. Stay updated with any changes to the exam and maintain a positive mindset throughout the preparation process. With dedicated effort and consistent practice, you can enhance your skills and perform well in the IELTS exam. Remember, practice and perseverance are key to achieving your desired score.


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