How to Prevent Google From Tracking Your Location All the Time ? - letsdiskuss
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writer in new York today | Posted on | Science-Technology

How to Prevent Google From Tracking Your Location All the Time ?


students | Posted on

You can't absolutely prevent Google from following you yet somewhat. Since you are reliant on Google and it is the lord of web. In the event that you need to shroud your area and IP you can utilize a VPN, not turning the GPS on, utilizing 'Tor' arrange, utilizing Incognito mode to conceal perusing records and so on.


Business Head at Kirati Kreations | Posted on

LetsdiskussGoogle the God of search engine has a pity habit of storing every activity made by you. Some of the activities include history storing, password, location history & so much more.

Here we will look at how to permanently delete all the location history from your browser. This will help you to keep your locations private. For any device, to disable frequent location tracking it is necessary to open your browser & visit with Google login. Go to “Activity Controls” & turn off “Web & App Activity” & disable the “Location History”. This will prevent location makers to save your frequent visits & locations. One can also safeguard location from IOS devices. One has to visit Safari browser visit any browse other than Google such as DuckDuckGo & visit Settings Safari Search Engine. Then visit settings privacy location services & turn this to “Never” or disable the same. One can also turn off the Location Services off. One can also disable the location services off on Android devices, one can visit “Security & Locations” then visit “Privacy” & then tap “Location” & turn the same off. These are some of the useful tips for disabling the location.