How to Register a barcode? - letsdiskuss
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How to Register a barcode?


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The barcode of the product, constituted as per international standard, allows any interested person to get complete information about the product and its manufacturer through the Internet. Bar code work in Russia is done by the Association for Automatic Identification, a member of GS1, an international voluntary nonprofit company.

You will need

- printing company;

- 27,763.43 Indian Rupee



1 . Please note that under Russian law, individual entrepreneurs (PIs) are not entrepreneurial organizations without a legal entity (PBOYUL), so they cannot join a consortium, as it is a consortium of organizations, and, accordingly, A barcode cannot be found. Code.

2 . Send a statement about your willingness to join the association: The application form is on the association's website (, signed and sealed by the head of the company, on a computer. has gone. Only the original application, which is sent by mail, is considered valid.

3 . Attach the application to the list of products subject to bar coding (the list form is also publicly available on the association's website). Sign and stamp the form with the person responsible for bar coding in the enterprise. During the initial circulation, you can list only the main types of products, you can later add them to the list in working order (30 days before the new type is released, send a new list by email or fax).

4. Obtain confirmation of the original receipt of your application from the association and transfer 27,763.43 Indian Rupee to its settlement account - membership fee (details are shown in the application for membership application). One year after the transfer of the first membership fee (the date of joining the association), an annual membership fee is paid, which is 16,649.34 Indian Rupee

5 . Please note that bar code receipt is voluntary. The entry information emphasizes that the association is a non-profit organization that does not profit from assignment and control activities to bar codes. By law, membership fees are not subject to VAT, invoices and deeds of acceptance are not done on them.