How to save yourself from cold and cough in Monsoon? - letsdiskuss
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Vansh Chopra

System Engineer IBM | Posted on | Health-beauty

How to save yourself from cold and cough in Monsoon?


I researches and writes custom content. I mostly writes on sexual health, relationship, Lifestyle, fitness, yoga, diet to increase knowledge among people. | Posted on

These are the way :

1.Keep your nutrition up.

2.Wash your hands thoroughly.

3.Drink plenty of water.

4.Avoid rush hour commutes.

5.Have some backup clothes ready.


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on

Catching cold and cough during weather change is nothing new, and it can easily be avoided. Here are some domestic tips to prevent such maladies in Monsoon.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy:

1. Take one teaspoon black pepper, one teaspoon turmeric, and one spoon ginger juice. Mix it in one cup of water. Add a bit of sugar and boil the mixture. When half of the water is evaporated, let it cool and then drink. It will help you increase your immunity.

2. Add crushed clove and 10 basil leaves in one liter of water and boil until half of it is evaporated. Now filter the water and drink when it has cooled down.

3. Mix crushed basil leaves, sugar, and black pepper with water and make a solution. It can cure any kind of fever.

4. If you have fever, avoid having ghee, milk, paneer, and non vegetarian food.

5. Make a point to incorporate coconut water, glucose water, orange juice, etc in your daily diet.