How to study seriously? - letsdiskuss
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@letsuser | Posted on | Education

How to study seriously?


Teacher | Posted on

Studying seriously these days is a task that is becoming more and more difficult for today’s students because of the increasing number of distractions surrounding them. It is the result of urbanization and modernization that is keeping youth away from serious studies like older days.


Despite these distractions, one can concentrate on studies if certain steps are followed. Following are some of them:

• You have to be both physically and mentally prepared for serious studies, and the first step towards that is having enough food and sleep. Studying when you are hungry or sleepy never works out. Having had food and sleep, you mind and body would be better focused on studies.

• You need calm and peace for serious studies. Make sure the environment around you is well settled and there is no chance of sounds coming from outside your room while you are studying. This is the reason why many of us prefer to study at night when everyone is asleep.

• Don’t forget to switch off all the gadgets that are there to distract you. This includes your mobile phone, television, music system, laptop, and so on.

• Always start by preparing a to-do or a target for your study plan. This will keep you focused and aligned.

• Study following the to-do and keep ticking off the topics that are being done.

• According to your to-do, keep all the necessary notes, reference books, stationary, etc., with you so that you don’t have to get up again and again between your studies.

• Cover the easy topics first. When you start with the harder topics, you get exhausted quite early and are not able to complete anything. Doing easier topics earlier relieves the burden off your head.
• Always prepare notes of whatever you are studying. This will come handy at the time of your tests and exams.

• Don’t forget to take short breaks in between. This will keep you refreshed.

Keep in mind that serious studies doesn’t mean to study all day long. Instead, it means studying seriously even if it is just for 2 hours in a day.


@letsuser | Posted on

1. make study plan properly.

2. act on your plan.

3. drink lot of water to stay awake.

4. switch of the internet connection in your mobile.

5. try to stay away from social media.

6. read motivational books and listen to motivational speakers.

7. while study listen light study music …classic which don’t have lyrics.

8. try to give more and more test for practice.

9.solve last year question papers.

10. last but most important ,time help management.

so these are the some tips that may you


Blogger | Posted on

Start from Question "an" on the off chance that you don't get answer move to "b" still in the event that you are not finding a solution ask yourself inquiry "c", you will most likely find this solution. On the off chance that you could answer nothing unless there are other options questions, at that point you may require some an opportunity to rethink your needs.


Blogger | Posted on

Do you realize why sports energizes us generally? It is on the grounds that they battle for just a single spot for example gold decoration. If not gold, they battle for silver, if not silver they still in the battle for bronze. In actuality, they are battling for one position, without keeping any second alternative.


Blogger | Posted on

Do you realize why sports energizes us generally? It is on the grounds that they battle for just a single spot for example gold decoration. If not gold, they battle for silver, if not silver they still in the battle for bronze. In actuality, they are battling for one position, without keeping any second alternative.