How to use facebook live? - letsdiskuss
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Kaamya Bajaj

A day dreamer!! | Posted on | Science-Technology

How to use facebook live?


Engineer and part time Blogger | Posted on

On Dec. 8, 2016, Facebook roll out its live streaming feature, Facebook Live, for the public. It lets us broadcasting an event anytime and anywhere. Initially, it was started with android users in the U.S. but later will hit other countries.
In this how-to article, the below-mentioned instructions will guide you on how to go live on Facebook mobile.

1) At first open your Facebook app from your Android device.

2) Tap the “Live” option on the left of the search bar.


3) Now it will ask to access your camera and microphone.

4) Start with adding a suitable description to make it exciting.

5) Choose live settings to ‘Public’ and ‘Friends’. Basically, it’s a setting by which you can control your audience (anyone, friends, specific friends).

6) Set your camera’s orientation switch between the front and rear one from the camera icon at the bottom right of the screen.

7) Play around with live filters, lenses, texts by clicking the magic wand icon next to the Blue Live button to make it more appealing.

8) Add your live location and friends circle whom you want to tag.

8) Now you are ready & click the blue “start Live Video” to start broadcasting.

9) After done with your broadcast, click "Finish."

The video will be added automatically to your Facebook timeline. The maximum time duration of your broadcast can be no longer than 90 minutes.