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How We Can Get MBBS Admission?


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Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of surgery is a very important professional course across India. Students can appear for MBBS entrance exam after class-12. And the student should have completed 17 years on the 31st December of the year of admission.
A student who has completed his/her Senior Secondary Examination of CBSE or any relevant board with PCB can take admission in MBBS. Admission in MBBS college in India depends upon the score that you get on the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET). NEET is the only entrance exam to get admission in MBBS in India. Some colleges conduct their own entrance examination for MBBS admissions like AIIMS, New Delhi and JIPMER. Approx 66,620 seats for MBBS are available across India and more than 470 medical colleges are there in India.
The entrance exam for MBBS is conducted at the central level:
AIIMS-All India Institute of medical science entrance exam
AIPMT-All India pre-medical/pre-dental entrance eligibility test.
State-level entrance examination:
Some states like Maharashtra, West Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala etc conduct state level common entrance test (CET).
Duration: The course is spanned for 4 and half years divided into semesters, with one-year compulsory internship