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Ajit Bhandari

@letsuser | Posted on | Health-beauty

how yoga help to come over from metal disorder scientifically?


yogacharya at Dwarka Sports Complex | Posted on

Mental disorders can be pacified to some extent with the help of yoga. Science says, that our mood affects the rhythm of our breaths, like when we are angry or excited, the pace of our breath changes.

With different activities, our breaths gain different paces, be it while eating, sleeping, or laughing. When these breathes are somewhat balanced, it signifies a balanced state of mind.


Holy Scripture Shrimadbhagwad also says that mental order or balance can be measured by the lifestyle of a person. If a person is able to lead his life in the same way in both distress and happiness, he is mentally health.

This practice gives way to positive thoughts, making us mentally balanced and healthy. Balance in distress and happiness, helps us achieve balance in the pace of our breath, and hence affects our mind.

Yoga henceforth, is helps us to balance our breaths and consequently balances our mind.

Translated from Hindi