In the Service agreement of TCS, who can sign as a surety and witness ? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

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In the Service agreement of TCS, who can sign as a surety and witness ?


Let us first know something about the service agreement of TCS. It is an official agreement which is between the employee and an employer. It includes the terms and conditions upon which the employer will agree to the service of employment.


The important thing is the one-year service agreement. Before joining TCS, one needs to sign the one-year service agreement and on breaking the bond because of any reason then you are obliged to pay an amount of 50000 as a penalty to the company.

The other important thing that needs to be mentioned is the surety verification form. This form must be attested by any competent authorities like the Bank manager or the Gazetted Officer. In case you don't know any person like that then take the verification form and motorize it. Then it will be accepted.

Who can be your surety?

Firstly, the surety could be anyone from your family or friends or known person but who pays income tax to the government particularly. So thus your surety can be your mother, father, brother, or any family members or relatives, or even your friends if they agree to do so. You need to mention certain things like a surety's form 16 latest photocopies, his/ her passport photocopy, his / her pan card photocopy.

Now coming to the witness, he/she can be anyone apart from the nearest family. They can be your uncle or aunt or any known person or can be your friend or even the very first person you meet in the company. Here no photocopies or documents of the witness are required.