Is 150k a good salary in new york? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

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Is 150k a good salary in new york?


The answer to the question varies and depends on the type of lifestyle you are leading in New York City. According to a survey, it has been noticed that $50,825 is the income of average people so, in that point of view, yes, 150k is obviously a good salary to survive in New York. But if you are leading a very posh lifestyle then, surely it will not be enough for you. New York is one of the most expensive cities worldwide. In the city whose income is about $50,000, they are known to be rich and they can lead a good and comfortable lifestyle. But those whose income is about $32,402 are said to be poor as it's very hard to sustain on such a small amount of money in New York. Your expenses will include house rent, food, daily essentials, children’s school fees, travel and so on. 150 k will be enough for a job holder and that’s without a bonus.


As stated earlier, New York is the most expensive city and this is because of its high economic growth. Number of billionaires in New York is much more compared to other cities in the USA. Jobs which pay 150 k salary in New York include Production Manager, Event Marketing Manager, Account Executive, Product Design Manager and many more. The convenience, transportation system, large number of high paying jobs, stable economy, development of industries, rent, tourist spot and so on made the city so expensive and famous. The high rent of apartments in New York is because New York is a limited city with limited space and if population goes beyond the limitation then rent price will naturally be high.