is chocolate dangerous for dogs? - letsdiskuss
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Komal Verma

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is chocolate dangerous for dogs?


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Everybody likes to eat chocolate that is delicious and uplifts one's mood because it contains phenylethlyamine (also known as the love drug), which causes excitement, quickens the pulse rate, and makes you happy but it can be extremely dangerous for your pet dogs.

Both chocolate and cocoa contain theobromine that the human body can easily digest but dogs can’t. Even a small amount of chocolate can make their stomach upset. In large quantities, it can cause internal bleeding, tremors or even cause a heart attack. Chocolates also contain sugar or sweeteners. The main ingredient is xylitol, which is equally dangerous. It leads to vomiting, stomach bloating, seizures and liver failure.

In case your dog has eaten a chocolate by accident, you should immediately seek medical attention. If you see symptoms like lethargy, vomiting, bloated stomach or fever, rush your pet to a vet. Make sure to carry a sample of chocolate ingested by your pet for the doctor to check the ingredients. This will help the doctor treat them faster and better.

Also read:- What are good foods for dogs to eat?



Blogger | Posted on

In enormous enough sums, chocolate and cocoa items can murder your pooch. Why not chocolate? The poisonous segment of chocolate is theobromine. People effectively utilize theobromine, yet hounds process it significantly more gradually, permitting it to develop to harmful levels in their framework


Blogger | Posted on

Dogs can die if they eat chocolate. They can also eat some chocolate without dying. It’s not like xylitol, which is so toxic that a few pieces of sugarfree gum can kill them immediately.

With dogs, it’s a matter of having too much, which then causes neurological problems, including seizures and death. This may be because it built up in their system when a person lets them have small amounts on a regular basis (they don’t process it as fast as humans), or because they got into a large amount of chocolate and gorged themselves just once.


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