Is communication possible between trees and people? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

@letsuser | Posted on | Science-Technology

Is communication possible between trees and people?


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Yes, it is possible to communicate with the trees it takes a lot of years but nothing is impossible in the era of science.

As we know trees are living things such as they can also breath and exhale.

So definitely they communicate with each other in their own language. We have to only study how they communicate with each other and science will do this.

But for this we have to save trees so our future generations will see them.


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In addition to science, communicating with trees involves a high degree of intuition, purity, and oneness of mind and spirit. Some trees, like beeches and willows, are bullies. In general, trees function as tribes and act as families, defending their own species.

Put an end to emotional gestures like hugging or kissing the tree. If you wish to work with a tree, you must learn to adapt to their slow, steady pace. Look at the leaves and the bark of the tree. Consider all the situations the tree has faced in the past. Simply touch it and inhale.

Try to receive the tree's messages while remaining silent next to it. The tree will vibrate for you to determine if you are a friend or foe. To allow noises to enter you, try to "listen" with your entire body. And if you're able to communicate with the ghosts that live inside forest trees.

This white noise is a constant element of the scenery if you go into the forests or mountains. Some trees, like aspens and cottonwoods, have very movable leaves that may create a lot of noise in even the slightest breeze. When I completed the Appalachian Trail in its entirety, I was able to identify the wind's path by listening to the white noise the leaves made.
